Monday, September 5, 2011

When I Was Young in the Mountains

Last week we rowed When I Was Young in the Mountains by Cynthia Rylant, one of our favorite authors.

We also spent a lot of time with different go-alongs. If you haven't read Mary on Horseback (about the founder of the Frontier Nursing Service), you definitely should!

A couple of others we had on our shelves that came in handy!

After reading about different types of snakes, we measured the lengths of various snakes and compared them to the size of the kids.

After reading about candle-making in Pioneer Children of Appalachia, we decided to make our own candles. Instead of using tallow, though, I melted a jar candle and we dipped our wicks in that. Maybe not completely authentic, but a lot more fragrant.

I don't know that Yankee is going to be beating down our door to market our creations, but we had a fun time!

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