Saturday, October 25, 2014

Weekly Wrap Up (10/25)

 After we got back from camping Sunday, the kids started picking mushrooms.  This is still a favorite thing to do.

 Now Alice is big enough to join in!

 In addition to Alice's dance performance, Monday we went to the children's museum with friends who were out for fall break.

 They had some cool new things!

 After our trip, we hit the ground running Friday with a play of Harold and the Purple Crayon.  It was interesting, to say the least.  When the lights came on, Jack turned and said, "Well, that was questionable."  Yes.  Yes, it was.

 After our co-op Friday afternoon we went to pick up a new to us light table!  I have been pinning all kinds of cool things for us to do with this, so I am excited.  A BIG thank you to my cousin's wife for passing this along to us!!

 Tonight was the Pumpkin Hunt.  Alice was a bag of candy--I have a few adjustments to make to her costume before Halloween, but overall, it worked well.

 It was much more crowded than it was last year!  (Jack followed behind Alice to make sure we got anything that fell off her costume.)

 Cutie patooties!

Afterward we went to dinner!

This has been a crazy busy week and to top it off, I have had no voice since Tuesday afternoon.  I am hoping next week is a bit calmer and that I will be able to speak soon!

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